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A Swansea-based manufacturer has nearly doubled its order book during the last few months despite market uncertainty within the industry.
Trojan Electronics, which provides contract electronics manufacturing services to several sectors across the UK, said its order book is at a record high after securing a number of new contracts in recent months.
Operations manager David O'Keeffe said: "Contract electronics manufacturers have been experiencing not just major operational, but component supply challenges, over the past 2.5 years. We have had several instances where component shortages resulted not just in delays, but even necessitating product redesign or running two designs in parallel to meet demand.
"The ability to weather storms like these when components literally balloon in price overnight or become practically unavailable, necessitates an open, honest relationship where trust and collaboration is essential."
At the start of September, Trojan secured a new five-figure deal for the supply of monitoring and communication equipment for use within the rail industry. It has also won a number of box-build contracts within the Environmental Monitor and Instrumentation sectors in recent months.
O’Keeffe added: "The manufacturing industry has faced unprecedented challenges recently, not least of which was a global pandemic, Brexit, skills shortages, rising wages, supply chain restrictions and now the rapidly rising cost of energy."
In October, when fixed-priced agreements are reviewed, energy costs are expected to increase between 300-400 per cent.
Industry organisation, Make UK, also recently expressed concerns about its members being able to continue trading without government intervention.
O'Keeffe: "Supply chain disruption, geo-political uncertainty and now a cost-of-living crisis, all impact on the manufacturing industry, which is often seen as the barometer for economic health.
"The industry’s ability to flex is incredible, but we are certainly not able to continue withstanding these challenges without working together and getting the right level of government support."
Laurence Kilgannon, Digital News Editor T: 0844 980 0187 E: laurence.kilgannon@newsco.com
Michael Stachini, Professional & Financial Services Manager T: 0161 907 9747 E: michael.stachini@newsco.com
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