SP Iguatemi Offices Building Rua Iguatemi, 192, 183 Itaim Bibi - São Paulo, SP CEP: 01451-010Newsroom Brasília Parque Cidade Corporate Building Block 9, Block A, Tower C - set 604 Setor Comercial Sul - Brasília, DF CEP: 70308-200Genial/Quaest survey released this Thursday (8) shows Fernando Haddad (PT) in first place in the race for the government of São Paulo.The PT appears with 33% of the voting intentions, followed by Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), who has 20%, and Rodrigo Garcia (PSDB), with 15%.In comparison with last month's poll, Haddad fluctuated one point down, while Bolsonaro's former minister grew by 6 points and Garcia, 2. The margin of error is 2 percentage points more or less.Carol Vigliar (UP) has 2%, while Antonio Jorge (DC), Gabriel Colombo (PCB) and Vinicius Poit (Novo) appear with 1%.Altino Junior (PSTU), Edson Dorta (PCO) and Elvis Cezar (PDT) did not score.Blanks and nulls add up to 15% and those who are undecided, 12%.In a possible second round between Haddad and Tarcísio, the PT has 42%, against 36% for the Republican candidate.In the scenario that simulates a dispute between Haddad and Garcia, the former mayor has 40% and the current governor, 35%.2,000 people were interviewed face to face between the 2nd and 5th of September.The survey is registered with the Electoral Court under the number SP-04685/2022.By clicking "OK", you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Iguatemi Offices Building Rua Iguatemi, 192 - set 183 Itaim Bibi - São Paulo, SP CEP: 01451-010Parque Cidade Corporate Building Block 9, Block A, Tower C - set 604 Setor Comercial Sul Brasília, DF CEP: 70308-200®2021 - The Antagonist All rights reservedMARE CLAUSUM PUBLICATIONS LTDA.CNPJ 25.163.879/0001-13We use cookies to improve your experience on our services.By using our services, you agree to this condition.For more information, visit our Cookies Policy.